Dec 29, 2007

Fly of the Week #12

Since I'm running behind with my weekly fly postings, let's put another on to try and catch up. This was tied a few weeks ago, but I've just now taken a picture of it.

Size 12
(click for larger picture)

This beaded soft hackle was tied with black thread on a size 12 hook. Brown stretch tubing was wrapped around the hook/thread before tying in the hackle.

Fly of the Week #11

After a few weeks of searching, the camera manual has been found! A quick read revealed the elusive focus distance in macro mode, I've finally been able to take some decent pictures!

The background is a little dark on this one, so you'll probably want to click on the image to see it in high res in order to get a better look.

"Hare's Ear Soft Hackle" - Size 12
(click for larger picture)

Not much to say other than this is my first attempt at using tinsel. It came out okay. Nothing fancy. It looks nice and buggy, I'm counting on it to catch a few. This messy soft hackle was tied with silver tinsel around the golden stone dubbing and looks close to some of the hare's ear that I've purchased over the years.

Dec 20, 2007

Fly of the Week #10

I'm really behind with my weekly fly posts. Sorry about that! New babies are time consuming!! Since I haven't had time to tie, I dug a photo out from one I've already done.

"Glossy Brown Soft Hackle" - Size 12
(click for larger picture)

This little guy was tied with brown thread and brown floss. Black thread was wrapped sparingly around to break up the pattern. Before adding the hackle, I covered the body with Sally's "Hard as Nails" polish to give it a shiny appearance. After dried, the hackle was tied in with brown unwaxed thread.

Early Christmas

My inlaws came to visit a week or two ago and we exchanged gifts early. I never know what to ask for when this time of year comes around, but this time, I made a wish list on a certain outdoors website that has fly tying material.

That turned out to be a good thing, I ended up with a bunch of assorted hooks (much needed), some tinsel, partridge for hackle, a knot tier that I can't seem to figure out how to use, and some tippet material.

Can't wait to try em out. Speaking of fly tying, I realize I'm behind with my Fly of the Week. Sorry about that. I plan to get back on it soon. Between work and the new baby, it has been a little difficult to find time to do much tying!

Dec 2, 2007

Pattern Searching

Since I began tying flies not too long ago, the point has been to fill my box with as many combinations of wet and soft hackle flies as possible. When I get out to the river, I simply see what works and what doesn't from that supply. By taking pictures of each fly and keeping good notes on river, I can easily reproduce the ones that work and forget about the ones that don't. Of course it isn't always that easy since a certain pattern may work one day and not another.

Part of the reason for this blog is to be an extension of my on-river-note-taking. I'm making more of an effort to write about each trip I take, so that I can easily go back and remind myself of what happened on a past day.

I've tied a few patterns that I've seen from other people. But for the most part, I just make it up as I go. My theory, whether wrong or right, is that buggy looking flies will catch fish. I don't really feel a need to tie a particular pattern that someone else finds successful or that is really popular. Don't get me wrong, I think that size and color are very important. It should come close to what fish are eating or what they are familiar with. I just don't think it needs to be an exact science.

Fly of the Week #9

Unless I'm reproducing a successful fly that I've tied in the past, I generally don't have a pattern in mind before beginning a new one. The idea is to fill my fly box with a variety of sizes and patterns to see what works or not. Here is another one of those made up patterns.

"Golden Stone Soft Hackle" - Size 12
(click for larger picture)

Using brown thread, brown partridge hackle, and golden stone dubbing, this fly was thrown onto a size 12 hook.