May 6, 2010

American River - Shad report

This post should be titled, "Went fishing for shad on the American, but only caught half pounders". A little too lengthy, so I used something more generic. But, that does summarize the day so succinctly. I guess there's no need to keep reading!

I got to Paradise Beach before 6am. It was already 54 degrees, but with a little wind, it was cool. Water clarity was about 6-8 feet and water temp in the mid 50's. My two hander was sporting a skagit line with 11 feet of T-10 and three weighted flies. All of them were shad darts of various colors.

Access Paradise Beach, Gristmill, Howe, Watt
Air Temp Low 54, High 70
Water Temp/Visibility ~53 F / 6-8 feet
Weather Sunny / Windy
Flow ~3700 cfs
Time in/out 6am, 8pm
Leaders/Lines Skagit
11ft of T10 All day
6 & 12 lb FC tippet
Flies Prince Soft Hackle 3
Shad darts 0

I entered the water just below the Fair Oaks bridge. Anyone trying to learn how and where to fish for shad, don't ask me. I'm pretty new to it. In fact, I've only been one other time. I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing. Right or wrong, I was looking for slow moving water 6 to 12 feet deep. I'd cast out there and do a strip of a few inches, rest a second, do it again, etc. That is how I caught a bunch last year.

This section of the river was okay for wading. I'd be better off with a boat. In fact, saw a couple of others already in the water with theirs. While I was out there, getting no attention from the shad that may or may not be around, I was looking over at the nearby riffles. Mouth watering. I guess you can't get the steel out of my brain. I reluctantly stuck to the plan -- skipped the faster water and continued looking for shad.

I moved down river all the way around the bend. Saw more boats with people fishing. Only one guy said he caught any. And he had only caught two. The other 4 people I polled didn't have anything to show for their troubles either.

Hopping in the car, I went to Howe. This was the first time I had ever been here. The sat map made it look slow and not very good for my usual steelhead/half pounder action. But, it did look like shad water. When I arrived, I actually saw a decent riffle by the boat launch. I couldn't resist. I swung through it with no luck.

Going downstream, I found some deep water. Nada. No shad. An hour or two later, I left.

Next on the list was Gristmill. I parked on the North side of the river, a first for me. While there were people on the South side, no one was near me. I decided to fish the riffle and caught myself a few half pounders on my "prince flymph". Although none of them were bigger than 15 inches, it was still nice to get something to hand.

After the swing through the run, I went downstream, then upstream and found what appeared to be good shad water. No action. But the water seemed to be good for it. Again, what do I know??!

Eventually I left and went to Watt. I'm not a big fan of this area. Okay riffles, but nothing that great imo. Maybe I just need to catch a big fish or two here and I'll change my mind. I walked upstream past the riffles and way downstream looking for shad water. I found it, it just wasn't very good for wading. Deep water with no where to stand.

I did see a boat with a few guys in it. They were catching something. I don't think they were shad though. Much too big. I'm thinking either large steelhead (this late?!) or more likely stripers. Another species of fish I haven't gone after. But now that I saw some of the fun they were having, I think I want to give it a try!! I'll need help with it though. Anyone care to show me the ropes? :)

Speaking of help. Are any of you shad fisherman and want to meet up? I could sure use some pointers on where to look and proper technique. In exchange, I can teach you whatever I know about fishing that you'd like to learn. Or I can simply bribe you with a beer or some flies.

My 14 hour day ended with a fizzle. I hoped for sizzle, but it never happened. Of all the people I talked with throughout the (more than 12 hour) day, only 1 had caught a shad. So, I wasn't alone. Misery loves company!