I've been thinking about getting a float tube for several months now. After researching various websites and getting opinions from others, I came to the conclusion that a good economical choice was the Fist Cat 4.
The Pleasanton fly fishing show was coming up and I figured it would be a good chance to see some float tubes up close and personal. Compare them all and figure out if the Fish Cat was indeed the direction to go.
While at the show, I made the mistake of looking at some pontoons. Several manufacturers were there showing some white water capable crafts. Wow. This could be really fun. Float down a river to find some good fishing spots that would otherwise be hard to reach and have some fun in the white water at the same time.
I returned home from the show and went through weeks of turmoil. I was trying to figure out if I should spend more money for a pontoon or stick with my original float tube idea. In the end, I purchased a Fish Cat 4 just last week. The deciding factor was that my local trout lake that is literally less than a mile away does not allow pontoon boats on the water. The proximity of this lake in a day of almost $4 a gallon gas is hard to pass up. Float tube it is.
So here I am with a brand spanking new float tube. It hasn't been used yet, I hope to go in the next day or two. I'm pretty confident catching trout in rivers, but have had terrible luck in lakes with my flyrod. Hopefully this will give me a chance to improve my still water skills.
I promised myself that if I go the whole Summer without catching many fish and still find myself yearning for river drifting, I'm going to sell the thing and upgrade to a pontoon.
The Pleasanton fly fishing show was coming up and I figured it would be a good chance to see some float tubes up close and personal. Compare them all and figure out if the Fish Cat was indeed the direction to go.
While at the show, I made the mistake of looking at some pontoons. Several manufacturers were there showing some white water capable crafts. Wow. This could be really fun. Float down a river to find some good fishing spots that would otherwise be hard to reach and have some fun in the white water at the same time.
I returned home from the show and went through weeks of turmoil. I was trying to figure out if I should spend more money for a pontoon or stick with my original float tube idea. In the end, I purchased a Fish Cat 4 just last week. The deciding factor was that my local trout lake that is literally less than a mile away does not allow pontoon boats on the water. The proximity of this lake in a day of almost $4 a gallon gas is hard to pass up. Float tube it is.
So here I am with a brand spanking new float tube. It hasn't been used yet, I hope to go in the next day or two. I'm pretty confident catching trout in rivers, but have had terrible luck in lakes with my flyrod. Hopefully this will give me a chance to improve my still water skills.
I promised myself that if I go the whole Summer without catching many fish and still find myself yearning for river drifting, I'm going to sell the thing and upgrade to a pontoon.