Aug 4, 2007

Trip Report: Stanislaus (Beardsley)

I met up with someone to fish downstream of the Beardsley Afterbay on the Middle Fork of the Stanislaus. I caught a few small fish, but couldn't get the bigger fish interest. They were certainly there and they were eating. Unfortunately, they were eating a midge hatch and I didn't have flies small enough to take advantage.

All in all, it is a nice place to throw a line. The river is plenty wide in areas and although I didn't venture too far downriver, there are a lot of pockets holding decent sized trout. I wouldn't call it my favorite or definitely most productive place I've fished, but I'll probably go back someday.

South Fork of the Stanislaus
After being somewhat frustrated by the lack of caught fish downriver of the Afterbay, I stopped in Strawberry to try this fork of the Stanislaus. I ventured upstream of the bridge and ended up catching a bunch of smaller trout (9-12 inches). What little size they were, they made up for it in numbers. The ego booster was needed!

It was getting dark and I made the mistake of staying out too long without a flashlight. At around 9pm, I was struggling to get through the brush, stream, and trees to my car. I'm really lucky I made it without getting hurt. I did slip off a boulder and had that split second of terror wondering what was going to happen. Luckily, I only landed on my back end and was able to get up without anything being broken. It was pitch black by the time I reached my vehicle.

Learned my lesson, I now carry a flashlight whenever I fish.

Fish count: More than 14

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