Oct 6, 2008

Trip Report: Lower Stan

Arriving at Tulloch access before sunrise, it was raining quite hard. I suited up while still in the car to keep from getting drenched and quickly headed to the water. I started nearest where I parked and went down river. Caught a few 10-12 inch rainbows in the very low and clear water. Used very sparse soft hackles in size 10.

Before too long, I went upriver a ways and then came back down to where I started. Caught more fish of the same size on a variety of soft hackles and winged wets. Anywhere from size 10-12 worked just fine. It was still pretty early morning and the rain was coming down lighter, but still putting a chill in the air.

I quickly became bored and decided it was best to get in the car and go down to Two Mile Bar. After getting to the river, I covered the usual water for a few smaller fish. Eventually I went further downstream than I normally go and found a beautiful stretch. Because the water was so low, I was able to cross the river here. Something I've not been able to do in the past.

I put on one of those hair wing steelhead flies that I recently tied and started swinging it. The first cast out, I hooked a nice 16 inch "steelhead". I put that in quotes because I doubt he's been to the ocean, but by DFG definition, he is a steelhead. This was the last fish I caught in this stretch. I had a few hard grabs, but nothing hooked.

This size 10 hair wing received plenty of interest.

After going back upstream and fishing some of the same water I covered earlier, it was getting late. Because of the experience I had last time at Two-Mile, I decided not to push my luck. I made more of an effort to be back at the car before dark. However, before leaving, I made one last stop with a size 12 wet fly in the riffles. I caught a 10 inch or so fish on almost every cast for the last few minutes of light. The fish were really biting.

Overall, I brought to hand around 20 fish. Not only was it raining for a good portion of the morning, my waders formed a leak in the crotch! Needless to say, it was a very wet day. Despite the soaking, it was a good time on the Stan.

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