Feb 3, 2009

Updates on the way

I've had a little more time the past few days to tie some flies. Soft hackles, (trout) speys, and winged wets were all on the menu after loading up on new material from the fly shop. I need to get the camera out so that I can post some pictures.

Early last week, I was able to sneak out to the Lower Stanislaus. I have the report written up, but I still haven't loaded the pictures from my camera. I'll try to do that tomorrow. As a preview, this time of year, the Stan can be on one day and off the next. It was off this time around. I caught a handful of fish, the largest being around 17 or 18 inches. But man, was it slow. The water was even lower than my last trip and the fish were definitely hunkered down. Spoke with quite a few other fly fisherman (kinda crowded for a weekday) and no one was catching anything. So, I felt privileged to have caught a few over 15".

Stay tuned for that report.

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