Apr 16, 2009

Fly #42: Yellow Spider

I've been tying a lot of steelhead flies for the last so many months. It has been great fun, but while on the river last time fishing for trout, I realized that I'm running low on some of my "go to" soft hackle patterns.

In response, I've spent the last few evenings tying various trout flies. I've been concentrating on sparsely dressed spider patterns. These are meant to be fished right in the surface film, or just below.

Yellow Spider (size 12)

Body: Yellow thread, copper wire ribbing, hares ear dubbing
Collar/Hackle: Natural Partridge, stripped on one side

1 comment:

tonysalpenglow.blogsopt.com said...

hey Rick...
Went up to the Yuba yesterday, there were lots of little sallie stones everywhere, i bet if you tied some of those in a size 14 dry fly hook you'd knock'em out with a short line swing.
good hatch of March Browns, i was swinging soft hackles and landed 6 really nice ones and a 21 incher..
hope your well..
Alpen Glow