Jun 17, 2009

Trip Report: Yuba

For this first time in I don't know how long, I went fishing on a Sunday. I normally avoid the weekends due to crowds. However, considering my workload, I didn't have a choice.

Surprisingly enough, my trip to the Yuba, above and below the 20 bridge, was relatively uncrowded. I did see other fisherman, but had no problem finding empty spots.

I'm going to wrap up this report quickly as I need to get back to work. The day was warm and the wind was acceptable for a change. I ended up catching 3 fish. None of them were over 15 inches. One was caught in deep water while high sticking my spey rod (yeah, I know, not the best use of a spey rod) around some rocks, right near the shore. If I remember correctly, he took a size 12 bead head prince nymph. About an hour later, I caught a 15 inch fiesty trout on the swing in some heavy riffles. This guy was caught on a size 10 partridge and orange soft hackle. The last fish was caught late in the evening on a small generic steelhead fly.

Started the day off with a 420 grain skagit line and 8feet of T-10 sink tip. I worked a run above the hwy 20 bridge pretty thoroughly for nothing. At some point, around noon, I switched to a 420 grain scandi line with a 15 foot floating leader and tried skating some flies. No takers.

I kept the scandi line on and switched to a 10 ft 3.6ips polyleader. This was kept on for almost the rest of the day. This is what I had on while catching those three fish. Late in the day I moved to a clear 10ft 1.5ips polyleader. Nothing with that one.

It was a good time. Especially appreciated because I'm not able to get out much to the river lately. Fingers are crossed for another opportunity soon.

Flow around 2,000
Water temp approximately 50 degrees.

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