Oct 20, 2009

My Un-Scientific Salmon Count

While fishing the Lower Stan last week, I noticed a huge difference in the number of Salmon from this time last year. Unfortunately, I did not see a single one. Not to say there weren't there. I could of just simply missed them. However, last year at this time, I saw so many up and down the river, they seemed eerily absent. I can't help but wonder if there was a connection between the lack of fish and that I saw the DFG looking hard for poachers.

Hopefully they are just moving in late and will be here soon.

1 comment:

The Johnsons said...

I was in the 2 mile bar area two weekends ago and while I didn't see any salmon, I did make quite a few hookups. Not sure if the trout population is decently healthy or they were just biting, but it was a good day.