Nov 17, 2009

Another Yuba Report

Went to the Yuba last week. Arrived much too early, so I took a short snooze in the car before walking to the water somewhere below Hwy 20.

This would mark my longest walk along this river. I'm not sure how many miles I covered throughout the day, but it felt like a million. Saw some new water that had plenty of salmon, a few half pounders, and some large trout. I did manage to catch a couple smaller bright fish in the morning that took a size 8 hair wing steelhead fly.

That was about it. It was quiet almost the entire day after the productive morning. Only a few short lived hookups here and there. Despite seeing a few bright fish leap 3 or 4 feet out of the water, it was non eventful. Still, you can't beat a day on the water.

Next up? The American.

1 comment:

Mark Kautz said...

Hey Rick. Been on the American a couple of times and haven't been able to hook up yet, although it's my inexperience I'm sure. Rumor has it that there are 1/2 pounders, but I haven't seen any yet. Still trying though.
