Sometimes we get so excited to go fishing, we forget what can be one of the most important things. How to get to and from the river safely. So you can make it back to your family.
Yesterday, while driving down Hwy 80 to the American river. I was minding my business in the middle lane when peripherally I saw a truck approaching on my left side. He was VERY close to me. If my window was down, I could of easily touched the side of his vehicle. I naturally started moving to the right to avoid him and before I knew it, he moved right into me. Side swiping me and nearly causing a huge accident at 70 mph. Remember those action movies where a guy tries to run another guy off the road by smashing into the side of him? That is what this felt like. My only conclusion was that the guy had fallen asleep at the wheel and drifted into my lane. Then when he awoke, he jerked the wheel the wrong way- smashing into me. Luckily I was moving to the right, minimizing the impact.
I heard glass shattering and the crunching of metal. I slowed and started moving to the shoulder. Guess what? The guy wasn't about to stop. He kept going. I was furious! I floored it and followed him flashing my high beams. At the same time I was on the cell phone with 911.
The guy finally pulled over about 2 miles down the highway. I stayed on the phone with 911 in case he wanted to do something violent. It was about 4:30am and no one seemed to be getting off this exit in case something went wrong.
Long story- somewhat shorter. The guy had no insurance (does anyone have car insurance in this state? Pathetic!! Seems like the police don't care either!!) A CHP officer eventually showed up about 1/2 hour later after the guy had left (he was in a hurry to get out of there). Somehow or another, my car only suffered damage to the mirror. The breaking glass was his side window and the crunching must of been my beefy SUV mirror grinding his car as he moved into me.
I consider myself lucky that nothing worse happened. I was furious. But more importantly, I'm around to see my wife and son. Just wanted to say. Be careful out there.
BTW, I kept driving and although was late arriving to the river, I did fish the entire day. How's that for commitment?
Hey, Rick, sorry to hear about the accident. Glad you are well. That happened to me last May. Rear ended by a guy with no insurance. Hope you had a great day on the river though. Will try to join you next time.
Sorry to hear about your accident. Must have been the week for it...I was almost sandwiched between a tunnel wall and a minivan that drifted into the far right lane, and I was on the motorcycle. But I didn't get to go fishing afterwards. That's dedication. BTW, like the new report format.
Ted, too many uninsured motorists driving around. Scary stuff.
Hope we get a chance to fish together soon.
Pat, that sounds really scary. Glad you're okay.
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