Feb 17, 2010

The secret revealed

There seems to be no reason to keep quiet about what river my "Mums the Word" posts took place on. It is a large river that can support a lot of people. And since, many people are asking, I'll just come out and say it. The American.

What I won't say is where. I'd rather not see that section crowded- if and when I decide to go back.

For those claiming that the fishing on this river, this winter, sucks. Well, maybe it does compared to previous years (I wouldn't know). However, I'd say that, for me, it has been pretty darn productive this winter. While I'd rather land a fish, hooking up (and a bunch of bumps) with several large fish over a period of a couple fishing days is pretty good in my book. (I might also add that the two that joined me were either hooking up or getting bumped a good portion of the day too.)

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