Jan 10, 2013

Fun with Craft Fur, Part 4 -- Tube

I know I swore off tube flies a while ago.  The main reason is that I find them a pain in the arse to rig while on the water.  However, I may of found a way to make it a little easier.  So, with that in mind, I'm tying a few tubes here and there.

Once again, I've made an enormous head.  The beauty of tying on a tube is that you can trim the tube so that the heads aren't long like this!  However, I was stupid in that I tied some thread way up top prior to putting any fur on.  I inadvertently screwed up one of the best reasons to tie on these things.  Oh well.  Lesson learned.  Lucky for me, the fish won't care.

This fly is not weighted.  I will pinch split shot on prior to fishing it.  Depending on how deep I want to get in whatever run I'm in.  All in all, I'm pretty excited to give it a swing.

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