Feb 6, 2009

Fly #41: Leadwing Coachman - Steelhead Version

Leadwing Coachman's make great trout patterns. I've used these small winged flies to great success. While tying a few up the other night, I realized that it may make a good steelhead fly. So, with a little adjustment it is now ready for bigger fish.

Leadwing Coachman - Steelhead Version

Tag: Light Golden Brown Floss
Body: Bright Green Peacock Herl with Oval Tinsel Ribbing
Collar: American Speckled Hen Back (brown)
Wing: Duck Quill


Anonymous said...

Just a quick thanks for living vicariously through your posts. The fly patterns are of great interest to me - thanks much for sharing.

As you're up in my neck of the woods fairly often we may cross paths - I'll be the mannerless lout that watches your two handed casting from the far bank.

Fly Monkey said...

Haha. Okay, I'll keep an eye out for you.