Feb 6, 2010

Coming soon...

I've been a little busy in my non-fishing world to post to the blog. Hopefully that will change shortly.

Some of the things you can expect are new fly photos. Including a fly I've been working on and fine tuning for a while now. It has been really productive for me on trout and half pounders. I have another fly that is bigger and meaner looking, this has been getting some nice grabs from adults.

I'm also putting together a writeup about Steve Godshall and his fly lines. For those of you not familiar with Steve, he has been developing various spey lines for years. He knows his business and has some interesting ideas.


Mark Kautz said...

Hey Rick. When you get production started and are selling you new flys, put me down for a half dozen each. After our trip to the river, anything you make, I'll buy.


Fly Monkey said...

Hey Mark.

No plans to go into production. :) But, if I do, I'll be sure to let you know!

Take care.