Dec 8, 2010

Feather Report

Due to time constraints, you are about to get another lame fishing report.

Went to the Feather a few weeks ago. The weather was cloudy with comfortable temps. Lined my two hander with a compact scandi and an intermediate tip in the morning and a floating tip in the afternoon.

Stayed in the Low Flow section, and actually stayed in just two runs the whole day. Saw a ton of salmon. Also got a glimpse of a few large steelhead that jumped out of the water to take a look at me.

Caught several smaller half pounders under 20 inches. Got one big tug near the end of the day. I was picking up my fly for another cast and WHAM! I wasn't prepared and the fly came right out. Lousy timing. That would of surely been the biggest fish of the day.

Fished a multitude of flies of various sizes. The smaller steelhead patterns in 6-8 seemed to get the most attention. Even caught a couple of fish chugging some skaters in some dead spots in the middle of the river.

Things are going to be busy with me until Spring of next year. Maybe even longer. I don't know how much fishing I'll be able to do. Wish I had time for more.

With this slow spell comes some exciting fishing news. I'll share later on what that is.

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