Dec 15, 2010

New skagit master 2 teaser

Skagit Master, Volume 2 is still not released. However, you can go and see another teaser on Youtube (or below). I'm pumped to get this video. I'm also pumped to go fishing again soon. Man, when will that happen??! Probably, sadly enough, not until Spring. However, if the planets align, when Spring does come, I'll be fishing more often and have more reports.

I like how the first thing said in the teaser, "Making this DVD, I knew we were going to piss some people off." Pretty funny, considering when I was on the North Umpqua, and saw them filming a segment for this video, they were indeed pissing off some people who were waiting for them to leave the most popular spot on the river. I didn't really care, I thought it was fun to watch. But, some locals weren't so pleased.

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